But it was then transferred to Stade Claude Luboz in the northern Paris suburb of Gennevillers, due to the heavy rains that persisted in Europe over the week. The Moroccans made it through to the CAR final after walloping Namibia 49-0 ...
Ainsi s'ouvre le programme 2006-2007 du Théâtre de Gennevillers - www.theatredegennevillers.com -, reçu ce matin, le dernier signé de Bernard Sobel, le premier de Pascal Rambert. Je cite : "? ce endroit" : ? Ath?nes, avec Eschyle ou ...
But it was then transferred to Stade Claude Luboz in the northern Paris suburb of Gennevillers, due to the heavy rains that persisted in Europe over the week. The Moroccans made it through to the CAR final after walloping Namibia 49-0 ...